Hello there, I'm

I stepped into my first dance class at three years old, and spent the next 30 years of my life dedicated to training, performing, and mastering the art of Dance. I created a professional dance career for myself that was larger than life.

At the peak of my career, to the world I was confident, successful, and fearless. To myself I was disgusted, humiliated, and ashamed. Cystic acne covered my face, neck, and back. I was always hiding who I really was, and felt trapped and disconnected from my body.
In 2011, for the first time, I committed to putting my relationship to my body and my health before my relationship to my dreams.
Countless hours and thousands of dollars spent educating myself, experimenting on myself, and fully committing to getting to the root of my problem holistically to discover acne was only the first of many different symptoms my body was experiencing from years of neglect.
The same drive and dedication I had for being a master in dance I put into being a master in my heath. What started as a journey through food ( S/O to my sweet 'DailyDancerDiet' days ) has taken me through every holistic healing modality that called to me.
As an artist who has always valued my vulnerability and vast capacity to feel, it was to my great surprise to discover, after over 7 years of digging, that the missing piece to my puzzle was my suppressed emotions. I finally allowed myself to listen and trust the wisdom of my body, giving her permission to feel and embody everything fully, while being seen and witnessed in sacred communities.

12 years later here I am, living in a way I never knew possible…actually loving myself, my body, my shortcomings, and all of my being.
What started as my deepest pain
has brought me to my greatest purpose.
What I thought was the main event of my life, was simply the pre show. I strongly believe that my 34 years of dancing, 15 of them professionally, my acting training, my relationships with my loved ones, and my painfully long health journey, set the most beautiful foundation for where I am and where I am heading.